Spelling does make sense!

Structured Word Inquiry is a framework with which we can investigate the spelling of any English word. When we account for the interrelation between morphology (bases, prefixes, suffixes), etymology (word history), and phonology (phoneme grapheme links), hidden connections between words rise to the surface to amaze and delight us. These connections also help us make sense of surprising spellings.

This course is perfect for teachers and tutors who have heard about SWI and want to know more. Learn how to bring spelling alive for all of your students of all ages, including those who struggle, and watch your own understanding of language transform, too.

Participants will learn to:

  • Understand the role of morphology in English spelling and identify why it's an essential strand to teach with students of all ages

  • Engage with what sets SWI apart by teaching the integration of morphology, phonology, and etymology

  • Lead investigations that help students make sense of English orthography using the Four Questions framework

  • Analyze word structure/morphemes using word sums and matrices

  • Teach the three suffixing conventions

  • Teach about function vs. content words, including high frequency words

  • Provide explicit practice with grapheme/phoneme correspondences

  • Construct lessons to support content area vocabulary and writing

  • Identify and differentiate between free bases, bound bases, and historical roots

  • Begin to use Etymonline.com to find etymological information

  • Learn more about the value of high-quality, inquiry-based teaching, which requires elements of explicit, systematic instruction

Additionally, live 30-minute Q&A sessions will be offered throughout the summer so you can have your questions answered in real time.

The summer cohort will provide a focused time block for study together, but you will continue to have access to all videos and resources for the life of the course.

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About your instructor

With an undergraduate degree in linguistics and an M.A. in education, Rebecca Loveless spent 15 years in early elementary classrooms passionately guiding young readers and writers. In 2013, after an inspiring and revelatory workshop with Dr. Pete Bowers, she left the classroom to begin a private tutoring and coaching practice solely based in Structured Word Inquiry.

Currently she is the part-time SWI Coach at The Nueva School in California. She also enjoys consulting with schools across the U.S., guiding teachers and administrators who are working to adopt SWI into their curriculum. Additionally, she offers several online classes, which have been attended by teachers, specialists, and parents from all over the world.

Along with Fiona Hamilton, Rebecca is the co-author of "The High Frequency Word Project," a teaching resource that explains the spelling of over 100 frequently used and misunderstood words. When not thinking about words, you’ll likely find her in the garden or on the hiking trails. You can read more about her work on her website at www.rebeccaloveless.com.